Twitter is my dirty little secret.
My family think I'm mad as do my friends, they ask 'What's the attraction?' "What do you talk about?"...well, in short, stuff. Like politics, family (non specific), politics, politicians, nice people, awful people, we share more stuff like youtube videos, politics, videos about terrible politicians, we make puns, we converse and we simply 'be'.
Naturally, there's those online who are rude, objectionable, putrid and even down right insulting but that's where my tweep cohort kick in and kick arse. Have we got each other's back?? Damn right we have, even if we're many kilometres apart and probably destined to never meet.
So in honour of those who make me smile, my Lord Byron-esque moment hopefully brings forth that which I feel, hear or see on this most instantaneous of social media, albeit far longer than 140 characters.
On Twitter Friends
'Tis rare to find such minds met that perhaps in life might stay afar
To be of such a distance still yet graceful presence does not marr
When day is nigh and all the time the sun doth scud like clouds above
To come the night and still then find a mutual humour, of politics, a love
'tis then we truly savour the faithful few, the giants our friends whose wit verbose
None shall block but shall defend, lest tweets sink low become morose
Envious those who seek their kind yet still do wander aimless and lost
We stand aside and let them through, to seek their kind, whilst we sated, emboss.
Lis Petersen 2010